

Miriam Gili, born in 1987. After graduating from NABA in painting and visual arts, she attended the master’s program in alternative cinema at EICTV in Sant’Antonio de Los Banos, Cuba. She also completed the MOVIES master’s program at IUAV in Venice. She has presented her works in collective and individual exhibitions at national and international institutions, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Geneva, Triennale Milano, V-a-c Foundation in Venice, among others.

Caretta, Caretta

In Filicudi, a volcanic island in the Aeolian archipelago, a biologist, along with a few assistants, has established a first aid center for marine animal, specializing in log-gerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) that once nested in the archipelago.

Their presence is frowned upon by native fishermen who cannot stand to have lost the privilege of the sea and the pleasure of eating turtle meat.
In their journeys to safeguard the sea, above and beneath the water’s surface, the women gain experience of both ocean and aerial currents, come into contact with the island’s ancestral beliefs gathered by an anthropologist, and become protagonists of a real and imaginary meta-morphosis at the same time.

The rescue of the turtles has an extraordinary outcome that only satellite technologies can capture in its magnificent entirety.


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