Yousreya Moahmed


Filmmaker and visual artist Yousreya studied and shared several multimedia art workshops from 2000 to 2004, at Helwan University. There she made her first film Similitude, an art video awarded by the Goethe Institute in Cairo at the 4th Festival for Independent Cinema. After finishing her degree in multimedia from ITI in 2006, she joined Jesuit Cairo Film School where she directed 4 short films Déjà vu - Vous ou autre chose - Fly kite - Waiting (2008-2009). After directing the 3D art video Negative (2010), she participated in several exhibitions in Egypt.Since Meditalents, her short film Exceeding Time was screened at Sewanee (the University of the South) in the United States in 2015, and, in 2017, the script of her short film Beyond the Walls was selected at Robert Bosch Stiftung at the Stuttgard Film Festival, Germany.

Broadcast from maspiro

When an entire people allow a power to silence them, their citizens become zombies.


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