

Jaad Gaillet is a French-Moroccan director who grew up in Paris. He combined his studies in mechanical engineering at the University Pierre et Marie Curie with studies in anthropology at the MNHN and the Cinéma du Réel in Paris. After his studies at Cinéma du Réel in Nanterre and Naples, he was selected for the Web documentary workshop at Gaîté Lyrique in Paris. Later, he obtained a Master's degree in Cinema at the Esav in Toulouse. Following his studies, he directed many short and long documentary films. He is currently working on a feature-length fiction project "Points noirs".

Points noirs

Leyla, a thirty-year-old Franco-Moroccan journalist travels to the High Atlas for a documentary project on wild boar hunters. The young journalist must then face the disappearance of all the wild boars shot, events of which she and her camera are the only witnesses.


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